Wholesale Information

Our commitment is to supply plants that are not only of the highest quality but also in tune with market trends and consumer demands. Whether your business aims to provide everyday greenery or beautiful tropical plants, Berkelbloem is here to support you with a robust and ever-evolving inventory.

We specialize in:

  • Bromeliads (Guzmania, Aechmea, Vriesea, Neoregelia, Tillandsia)
  • Ficus (Benjamina)
  • Gardenia
  • Ellwoodii
  • Lemon Cypress
  • Lavender (Spanish, English)

Partner with us to enrich your plant offerings, captivate your customers, and ensure your selection stands out in the marketplace.

For wholesale pricing and ordering information, please contact drew@berkelbloem.ca.

Wholesale Products

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