Cultivating excellence for generations

At Berkelbloem, we've been cultivating and supplying exceptional tropical plants for wholesale clients. Our passion for plants, commitment to quality, and unmatched expertise set us apart as your trusted partner in the world of tropical flora.

Vibrant Aphelandra squarrosa, or Zebra Plant, with dark green leaves featuring distinctive white veins, nestled in a white pot with yellow accents.

Tropical Treasures

Berkelbloem proudly curates a collection of tropical plants, each one hand-selected to bring a touch of the exotic to your living spaces. From the lush greens of the rainforest to the vibrant hues of tropical blooms, our plants promise a journey to distant shores without ever leaving home. Embrace nature's tropical symphony and enhance your space with Berkelbloem's handpicked green wonders.

Explore our wholesale offerings
  • Are Tropical Plants Safe for Cats?

    Are Tropical Plants Safe for Cats?

    Thinking of adding tropical flair to your home with beautiful plants? If you're a cat owner, it's essential to know which tropical treasures are feline-friendly. Dive in to discover the...

    Are Tropical Plants Safe for Cats?

    Thinking of adding tropical flair to your home with beautiful plants? If you're a cat owner, it's essential to know which tropical treasures are feline-friendly. Dive in to discover the...

  • Tropicals 101: Caring for Your New Indoor Jungle

    Tropicals 101: Caring for Your New Indoor Jungle

    Dive into the vibrant world of tropical plants with our essential guide. From understanding sunlight requirements to the secrets of perfect watering, discover how to create and care for your...

    Tropicals 101: Caring for Your New Indoor Jungle

    Dive into the vibrant world of tropical plants with our essential guide. From understanding sunlight requirements to the secrets of perfect watering, discover how to create and care for your...

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